mekiku2 FAQ

How to change settings?

Click gear button at the top-right of each pane. There are other means, right-click menu or pressing Ctrl+Y.

Where functions of PFT pane?

Click humberger menu button at the top-right of PFT pane.

How to switch to full-screen?

Press F11 key (in other than typable area) or use right-click menu.

How to switch back from full-screen?

Same as switching to full-screen. F11 or right-click menu.

How to show logs?

In 'General' config, click 'Log Window (See log until now)' button.

Features omitted from mekiku?

Semi-transparent window option was omitted.

How to treat all messages as 'Start new line every time' ?

In 'Main Display' config, click 'Advanced' to expand and check 'Start a new line every time'.

What is the 'memo' area in chat pane?

Just a memo, no transmitting to other members. Usage example : keep memo of the order in your team.

(Linux version) other peers do not appear.

To receive from others, open ports 6633:6644/UDP and 6711:7835/UDP and open ports 8080/UDP (default) for simple web server

Sample using firewall setting tool (GUFW)

What framework or library for developing mekiku2?

Tauri for application toolkit.